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Flash Drive Giveaway for Back to School 2012
August 17th, 2012
So we've decided to give moms a real break this year and offer something free that would not only make their lives a whole lot easier, but would also help their kids succeed academically in school, participate in rich and creative after school activities, and eat fun, healthy foods for lunch.

Apple updates Macbook with USB 3.0 and NAND Flash SSD drives
June 19th, 2012
Those waiting patiently for the new MacBook lineup received great news on Monday, as Apple released their latest creations equipped with USB 3.0 and NAND Flash SSD drives.
SSDs Now Using 19nm Flash Chips Thanks to LSI
June 8th, 2012
The LSI Corporation, a leading designer of semiconductors and software that accelerate storage and networking in data centers, mobile networks and client computing, today announced several public demonstrations of its award-winning SandForce SF-2000 Flash Storage Processors.

How we made our Custom Shaped Flash Drives even better
April 11th, 2012
USB Memory Direct's custom shaped USB drives are now available for the same unbelievable price as our regular promotional flash drives. We believe that every company, no matter how small or how large, should be able to take advantage of the unique brand marketing opprotunities a fully customized flash drive has to offer.
An Overview of USB Flash Drives and Their Future
March 1st, 2012
The development of USB memory sticks has been a technological breakthrough, due to the fact that they are compact and manageable in size, and are capable of storing tremendous amounts of data.

USB Paper Clip Flash Drives
February 28th, 2012
Molded from a single piece of sturdy plastic, the USB paper clip flash drives are sleek, durable, and ready for anything. Its integrated clip function allows you to easily attach promotional business cards, folders, and brochures.
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