Gain Exposure from Your Photography Packaging
We've seen a lot of incredible work in the past few months. It seems like every time we check there are fifty more brilliant packaging ideas created with our flash drives for photographers.
They're incredibly well done and have their own artistic flavor that we work very hard to capture on our Portfolio, Pinterest and Facebook. We know how unbelievably hard you work on your packaging, and we're always astonished by what we've seen our customers put together.
You guys deserve much more recognition than we can give you. So to help some of you get even more exposure for your work, we've put together a short list of websites and blogs you can submit your custom flash drive packaging to. These three sites will help you showcase your packaging to a much wider audience, and hopefully it will impress your future clients, business partners, and employers as well.
If you have any questions about submitting your work to these sites, or on collaborating with us on another project you had in mind, feel free to email us at hectorf@usbmemorydirect.com.
Source: https://abduzeedo.com/
Abduzeedo is a blog about design. They post a ton of great material for those who want to look for inspiration. You'll also find that they're pretty enthusiastic about audience submissions as well. Their daily inspiration section is the best place to see examples of regular business owners, photographers, and artists sending images of their own work or things that inspired them to share with the Abduzeedo community.
What began as a means for backup after an "ugly robbery", became one of the design world's most sought after blog for inspiration. Abduzeedo draws in more than a hundred thousand design enthusiasts a day and almost three million a month. They have contributors from Brazil and the USA, and readers from all over the world.
Submit Your Packaging
Scroll down to where it says "RAWZ" and click on the "Submit Work" button.
Anyone can submit images, but in order for them to be selected and posted on Abduzeedo's Daily Inspiration, they need:
- A Link to the source (in this case your blog, social media page, or portfolio)
- Your name (or original creator's name)
And that's it! It's pretty straight forward. Response times vary but typically expect to get some feedback in like four weeks. Keep in mind, which such a high volume of traffic, they probably get quite a few submissions to their site, so if you don't hear back from them, don't be afraid to resubmit your work or contact them directly for feedback.
Design Inspiration
Source: https://www.designspiration.com/
Designspiration was created in early 2010 by Shelby White. Shelby is a visual designer and entrepreneur. Alongside Designspiration, he also runs an art & design blog called Wanken and is also a writer for ISO50. We've found it to be another great resource to help you discover and share great design.
Submit Your Packaging
Create an account. Once you're logged in, navigate to the top menu and select "Add+" From there you should be able to create a new board and upload your design materials and link to blog posts and other media on your website.
Package Inspiration
Source: https://packageinspiration.com/
This last one is pretty new onto the scene, but we like the set up and the submissions are definitely top notch. Actually, we'd be curious to know your experience submitting here and how it was for you. Email us if you try it out.
Submit Your Packaging
In the top menu click on "Submit you work". There you'll need to describe the project, its materials and some information about yourself. One of the interesting things I noticed about this framework is that you can add your pictures with a link to a WeTransfer or Dropbox folder that you share with them.